Hugo’s Story

We’re going to the Zoo!

Today marks the 2 month anniversary of Hugo’s diagnosis.  It feels like we have come a huge distance in that time.  The immediate shock has been replaced with new emotions, equally as difficult, but perhaps less intense.  We have found our way in the darkness, adjusted somewhat to the new normal and found light in the amazing way Hugo has coped with his journey so far.  His strength has been contagious and we are all still standing strong.

We have been told that phases 3 and 4 can be more intense than this current one.  So, while Hugo is well and before the next phase starts we decided to have a family day out.  We packed our bags, wrapped ourselves up and headed to the zoo.

On Friday we had our weekly trip to GOSH, the last one of this phase.  Hugo’s blood counts had risen enough for us to finally start him on a full dose of mercaptopurine for the last week of consolidation.  He really doesn’t like the taste of this one and getting him to take it is becoming quite a battle, not to mention the nil by mouth issues it also brings.  Unfortunately it features quite heavily for the remainder of Hugo’s treatment plan so we are going to have to get used to it.

While we were at GOSH we confirmed that we would like to take part in the next stage of the UKALL 2011 trial and have been randomised on the arm that involves a high does of methotrexate during phase 3 which is administered on a drip via his wiggly.  This will mean 4 hospital stays over the 9 week phase lasting 3-4 days each, so today’s trip out was even more precious, knowing we will soon be spending time apart again.

Checking out the penguins!

We all had a great time.  Hugo’s energy levels have continued to increase and he had a great time charging around, trying to keep up with his big brother.  He loved the animals and the steam train ride and his excitement at being out and about was so wonderful to see.

He was more excited than he looks here!

It was made all the more wonderful because we know what could lie ahead, but at the same time we are aware of what has already passed.  We have been very fortunate that Hugo is coping so well, that he hasn’t spent more time in hospital.  We are grateful for the time that we are able to spend together, knowing that it might not have been like this and that it might not last.  So, Richard and I soaked it all up and enjoyed every minute.  Except the minutes when the boys were bickering, we did not enjoy those, but the rest we loved!