• Hugo’s Story

    Day in the Life – Medication

    I often get asked if Hugo is still on chemotherapy. Has he finished, or is he due another cycle? Treatment for blood cancers can differ from other cancer treatment plans. It is often long, in some cases life long, and…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Day in the Life – Hospitals

    Hugo started the maintenance phase of his treatment plan in January 2016. It’s the final phase of treatment and is made up of 12 cycles, each of which are 12 weeks long. However, each 4 week block is the same…

  • Hugo’s Story

    What is maintenance all about?

    We have now reached the end of our first 12 week cycle of the maintenance phase.  We are slowly adjusting to another new normal, one that will last a long time. So what is maintenance?  As I understand it, during…

  • Hugo’s Story

    A Mini Holiday

    Our first mini holiday.  3 nights in the Cotswolds.  Our first chance since Hugo’s diagnosis nearly 9 months ago to get away.  An opportunity to forget everything else that is going on, to relax, have fun and be together.  Most…

  • Hugo’s Story

    A Badly Decorated Christmas Tree

    We are currently 17 days into phase 4, delayed intensification.  During that time Hugo has had 5 scheduled hospital trips and 9 different drugs administered in a variety of ways. Yesterday saw his third and final doses of strawberry juice…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Delayed Intensification

    After a nice little treatment break Hugo has now started phase 4, delayed intensification.  Having had a break from drugs and hospitals, I have been feeling quite apprehensive about starting again.  We enjoyed having a little certainty in our lives…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Minimal Residual Disease

    Today saw another trip to GOSH for Hugo, myself, and Richard, and another sleepover for Henry.  Hugo was having a dose of chemotherapy and a bone marrow aspirate.  These are not new for Hugo but today was different, today was…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Baby Steps

    Summer is well and truly upon us, even if in true British style, the weather is less than sunny. We were supposed to be on holiday this week.  We’d been due to stay in a converted barn on a farm…

  • Hugo’s Story

    A Week in the Life

    This past week has seen us back at GOSH, this time Hugo was an outpatient on Safari ward.  He was in for another bone marrow aspirate and some vincristine administered through wiggly. Hugo was on the morning theatre list which…

  • Hugo’s Story


    Since diagnosis, 7 days ago, I have had to hold Hugo as he cried while numerous medical staff tried time and time again to insert fresh cannulas into his small hands.  Telling him it will be okay, when it was…