• Hugo’s Story

    The Big Questions

    After three years of treatment, I suspect many people are a bit lost with Hugo’s illness and treatment. Here are some of the questions I have been asked and a few others that I thought people might want answers to. …

  • Hugo’s Story

    What happens next?

    During our last appointment at GOSH, our oncology nurse specialist answered the all important question – ‘what happens when treatment ends?’ I’ve asked many questions relating to this along the way. Always hesitantly, not wanting to look too far ahead,…

  • Hugo’s Story

    The Long Version

    Over the last few weeks we have had a couple of little blips. Small bumps along the road of our new normal.  We have these every so often. I don’t tend to write about them, because everything turns out to…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Bring it on 2018!

    So, we have reached 2018, the year Hugo will finish treatment. It feels significant. The countdown can well and truly begin. I remember, just after Hugo was diagnosed, reading that treatment for his type of leukaemia would last just over…

  • Hugo’s Story

    A Mini Holiday

    Our first mini holiday.  3 nights in the Cotswolds.  Our first chance since Hugo’s diagnosis nearly 9 months ago to get away.  An opportunity to forget everything else that is going on, to relax, have fun and be together.  Most…