• Hugo’s Story

    Day in the Life – Medication

    I often get asked if Hugo is still on chemotherapy. Has he finished, or is he due another cycle? Treatment for blood cancers can differ from other cancer treatment plans. It is often long, in some cases life long, and…

  • Hugo’s Story

    What is maintenance all about?

    We have now reached the end of our first 12 week cycle of the maintenance phase.  We are slowly adjusting to another new normal, one that will last a long time. So what is maintenance?  As I understand it, during…

  • Hugo’s Story


    Hugo and I are currently at GOSH for his last high dose of methotrexate.  We are on Lion ward this time, rather than Giraffe ward as usual.  The nurses on Lion ward are of course lovely too, but I am…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Relishing Normal

    We have been having a lovely normal week at home.  We’ve had the car serviced, been to Henry’s parent’s evening, I even managed to get my hair done.  This is excitement these days, getting to be normal. In a couple…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Interim Maintenance

    Over the past couple of weeks Hugo has finished phase 2 of his treatment and started phase 3, interim maintenance.  No treatment break, this time we were straight into it. We were given the rest of Hugo’s treatment plan, all…

  • Hugo’s Story

    We’re going to the Zoo!

    Today marks the 2 month anniversary of Hugo’s diagnosis.  It feels like we have come a huge distance in that time.  The immediate shock has been replaced with new emotions, equally as difficult, but perhaps less intense.  We have found…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Grandad on Duty

    Yesterday saw us heading up to GOSH for another dose of methotrexate administered by lumber puncture.  This was our fourth trip since being discharged and we have been starting to feel like pros with our routine.  We know what time…

  • Hugo’s Story


    We are now 4 days into the second phase of Hugo’s treatment, consolidation, a short phase at only 3 weeks. As Hugo was unable to start the new chemotherapy drug, due to his low blood counts, his drug quota for…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Phase 1 – Induction

    It has been 4 days since Hugo was diagnosed.  We spent the first night at our local hospital and were then transferred by ambulance to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).  The last 4 days have been a whirlwind, an intense…