• Hugo’s Story

    A Bumpy Road

    A few months ago I wrote about a bump in the road. Hugo had broken his leg and there were questions over his bone density and muscle weakness. My head was spinning with all the ‘what ifs’ as we waited…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Reaching Maintenance – Yay!

    Today saw us back at GOSH for a second attempt at starting maintenance.  Hugo’s rosy cheeks had gone and his bloods were up a little, so we were hopeful that this time would be more successful. It was good news,…

  • Hugo’s Story

    False Start

    So today we set off to GOSH for the start of the maintenance phase. Hugo’s bloods were taken on Friday and they were still a little low, but we’d checked with GOSH and they were confident they would increase enough…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Phase 4 Part 2

    So we are now in the second part of phase 4.  Along with the cyclophosphamide, Friday’s visit to GOSH saw us restarting the dreaded mecaptopurine.  Another 2 weeks of the yucky, nil by mouth chemo that Hugo really dislikes. In…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Delayed Intensification

    After a nice little treatment break Hugo has now started phase 4, delayed intensification.  Having had a break from drugs and hospitals, I have been feeling quite apprehensive about starting again.  We enjoyed having a little certainty in our lives…

  • Hugo’s Story


    Hugo and I are currently at GOSH for his last high dose of methotrexate.  We are on Lion ward this time, rather than Giraffe ward as usual.  The nurses on Lion ward are of course lovely too, but I am…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Wonderful Giraffes

    Day 95 of Hugo’s treatment sees up back at GOSH for high dose methotrexate round 3. As usual we receive a warm welcome from the wonderful nurses on Giraffe ward.  We have been on Giraffe ward for all of our…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Relishing Normal

    We have been having a lovely normal week at home.  We’ve had the car serviced, been to Henry’s parent’s evening, I even managed to get my hair done.  This is excitement these days, getting to be normal. In a couple…

  • Hugo’s Story

    A Mini Break

    We have just experienced our first unscheduled hospital stay.  I suppose this is what we have been waiting for ever since we came home.  I suspect we are lucky to have made it this long. Infections are a very serious…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Interim Maintenance

    Over the past couple of weeks Hugo has finished phase 2 of his treatment and started phase 3, interim maintenance.  No treatment break, this time we were straight into it. We were given the rest of Hugo’s treatment plan, all…