• Hugo’s Story

    Bye Bye Delayed Intensification

    Delayed Intensification, phase 4, is over, woo hoo! Unsurprisingly, Hugo and his daddy managed just fine with the blood transfusion. The colour is slowly returning to his cheeks and his energy levels that were so zapped during phase 4 are…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Restoring a Little Balance

    Welcome to 2016!  Well we nearly welcomed in the new year from a hospital bed – another narrow escape.  Hugo’s temperature went up during the early evening.  It wasn’t quite high enough for immediate action so we kept an eye…

  • Hugo’s Story

    So this is Christmas

    It was a close call, the week leading up to Christmas had seen 4 hospital visits, only one of which had been scheduled, but we made it through Christmas with no hospital stays, yay! Hugo’s wiggly managed to work for…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Phase 4 Part 2

    So we are now in the second part of phase 4.  Along with the cyclophosphamide, Friday’s visit to GOSH saw us restarting the dreaded mecaptopurine.  Another 2 weeks of the yucky, nil by mouth chemo that Hugo really dislikes. In…