• Hugo’s Story

    The Long Version

    Over the last few weeks we have had a couple of little blips. Small bumps along the road of our new normal.  We have these every so often. I don’t tend to write about them, because everything turns out to…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Bring it on 2018!

    So, we have reached 2018, the year Hugo will finish treatment. It feels significant. The countdown can well and truly begin. I remember, just after Hugo was diagnosed, reading that treatment for his type of leukaemia would last just over…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Things I Have Learnt

    It has now been 2 years since Hugo was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.  24 months of our strange, new, cancer filled life.  The learning curve has been steep and I’m pretty sure it’s not done yet.  Here are a…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Today I cried

    Today I cried.  Not a huge great sob fest, just a little tear, catching me unaware.  I cry fairly easily.  Sad books or films on the TV, even adverts have been known to set me off.  However I don’t often…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Bumps in the Road

    We are plodding along. What seemed so strange and scary at the beginning has somehow become normal.  There is a new standard to measure by and everything is fine, by this new standard, good even.  Until it isn’t.  Until there…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Screw you Cancer

    Last night I sat in my son’s bedroom and held him in my arms as he cried in pain.  His hip hurt and he couldn’t find relief from it.  I tried desperately to help.  I rubbed his hip, wiped his…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Flying High

    So another big day has arrived.  We were heading up to GOSH where they would give us the results of Hugo’s MRD test.  The result that would tell us if he’d achieved remission.  Whether he would be classed as low…