• Hugo’s Story

    Minimal Residual Disease

    Today saw another trip to GOSH for Hugo, myself, and Richard, and another sleepover for Henry.  Hugo was having a dose of chemotherapy and a bone marrow aspirate.  These are not new for Hugo but today was different, today was…

  • Hugo’s Story

    A Week in the Life

    This past week has seen us back at GOSH, this time Hugo was an outpatient on Safari ward.  He was in for another bone marrow aspirate and some vincristine administered through wiggly. Hugo was on the morning theatre list which…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Phase 1 – Induction

    It has been 4 days since Hugo was diagnosed.  We spent the first night at our local hospital and were then transferred by ambulance to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).  The last 4 days have been a whirlwind, an intense…