• Hugo’s Story

    He is Here

    So September has arrived, which means the start of both Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Blood Cancer Awareness Month. A month where I try to raise awareness, to fundraise and share an insight into the world of childhood cancer. A…

  • Hugo’s Story

    What Would Hugo Say?

    A few weeks ago the charity Bloodwise asked if Hugo and I would be the face of their Blood Cancer Awareness Month campaign. My first thought was to immediately say yes. To be able to share our story and raise…

  • Hugo’s Story


    We have now passed the halfway point of treatment.  Hugo is currently on month 20, with 18 more to go.  We are on the downhill slope towards the end of treatment.  That light at the end of the tunnel is…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Running – My New Best Friend

    Well maybe not my best friend, that spot is already taken. But in recent months, running and I seem to have developed a bond, we have reached an understanding and an appreciation has grown. I have tried to take up running before.…

  • Hugo’s Story

    September is Coming

    September is coming. Soon the children will be heading back to school and autumn will be arriving. It also means the start of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the colour for which is gold. Since Hugo was diagnosed with leukaemia a little over a year…