• Hugo’s Story

    Broken Pieces

    A couple of weeks ago I found myself at our local hospital. Not a particularly unusual occurrence given Hugo’s situation. However this time I wasn’t there for Hugo, I was there for me. I’d been to the doctors that morning…

  • Hugo’s Story

    He is Here

    So September has arrived, which means the start of both Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Blood Cancer Awareness Month. A month where I try to raise awareness, to fundraise and share an insight into the world of childhood cancer. A…

  • Hugo’s Story

    What Would Hugo Say?

    A few weeks ago the charity Bloodwise asked if Hugo and I would be the face of their Blood Cancer Awareness Month campaign. My first thought was to immediately say yes. To be able to share our story and raise…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Lights, Camera, Action!

    I have often wondered what it would be like to be famous, to be photographed and interviewed. That’s probably my over active imagination at work again, but I suspect I’m not alone in being curious. Is it exciting, nerve wracking or…